Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Outside Foot Painting - Crazy Messy Fun

Remember the Messy Twister we did a while back, well, we had some more messy fun. The outdoors is great for messy projects because you can just wash it away.

I got out 4 different baking sheet pans and put washable tempera paint on them. FYI - even though tempera paint says it is washable I do not recommend letting kids wear their nice clothes because it has been known to set in a bit and leave a stain.

We held down big sheets of paper with some rocks from the landscaping.

Then I let the kids have at it creating sunflowers with their feet. Of course they are kids and these ones don't mind getting messy, so they started using their hands as well. Before I know it my daughter was done with her picture and started getting her hands and feet full of paint to do cartwheels in the driveway so she could see the prints it makes (cartwheels seems to be her preferred mode of transportation these days.)

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